Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Healthy and lose weight fast: the full story
This article is for people who want to fall rapidly. Lose weight without yo-yo effect: every kilo that goes off, which remains off.
In this article describes exactly how to stimulate your fat burning in your body. By applying these simple, healthy and efficient methods fall off quickly.
If you apply what is in this article you will:
offal to 3 kilos per week, every week again.
Every kilo you lose do not get more (no yo-yo effect).
Never having to suffer hunger.

Know exactly what you can and can not eat.

Eating and exercise to lose weight
Diet and exercise are two natural factors that determine your weight. By sufficient exercise and healthy eating, you will lose weight quickly.
Our modern diet contains a lot of carbohydrates, such as grains and sugars. From these carbohydrates gives you energy to survive. According to scientists, however, your body 'designed' to extract energy from healthy fats and fruits and not from koolhdyraten.
In the millions of years of evolution, humans eat only the last few hundred years many carbohydrates. All those hundreds of thousands of years before we ate mainly healthy fats and vegetables. Your body is not yet adapted to modern food with many carbohydrates such as grains and sugars.
The New York Times, a study by Dr. Ludwig and his team described showing that the amount of carbohydrates in your diet largely determines your weight and not the amount of available energy. Your body is still used to get the energy it needs from healthy fats and vegetables.

In the same study by Dr. Ludwig demonstrated that healthy fat diet produces much more energy available than produce carbohydrates. In other words, (healthy) fat diet provides available energy. Fast weight loss is the result of the burning of the available energy.
The more carbohydrates (such as grains and sugar) you eat, the 'fatter' you are. And the more healthy fats you eat, the more energy you have. The supply healthy fats, contrary to what many people think, no problems with your heart and circulatory system. According to a scientific analysis conducted by the American Heart Association, people who get a lot of oily fish or other healthy fats eat less heart attack.

Our modern wave pattern mostly inaction of long periods (at the computer for example) and for the 'healthy' people 3x weekly exercise at least half an hour.In the millions of years of evolution man moves only in recent decades so little. All those hundreds of thousands of years before we were actually constantly moving and had brief periods of extremely intense exercise.The human body was designed to move, not to sit still for long periods. demonstrated that the risk can be reduced in weight by simply moving more and less to sit in a study at the University of Leicester.The human body is not designed, however, to provide long-intensity exercise (like more than half an hour running). A study done at the University of Amsterdam shows that 37% to 56% of long-distance runners annually injuries.In addition, long periods of intense effort ensure that the stress hormone cortisol is produced. Cortisol has many negative effects on your health and weight loss.I will already tell you: lose weight fast you do not have to walk through more hard.contrast, short and extremely intensive effort ensures that you burn a lot of energy without being too long overload your body. In his book Body By Science writes Doug McGuff (M.D.) that 12 minutes extremely intense exercise per week results in more weight loss than three times a week for an hour running.Our bodies are made to be almost constantly in motion with occasional brief moment of extreme intensity exercise. This ensures the correct biochemistry in your body so you burn fat quickly and will lose weight so quickly.The road map to lose weight fastThe misconception about nutrition and exercise described above, the reason is that there are so very many cases of obesity. The following describes how to eat and exercise so that you healthy, lose weight quickly and easily.There are three steps that will make you lose weight quickly before.Step 1: No more sugar and carbohydrates food.Step 2: More healthy fats and vegetables.Step 3: Exercise more.Listed below are the three steps will be explained in more detail.Step 1: No more sugar and carbohydratesOur diet has changed significantly in recent decades. Today, we eat a lot of food produced. Produced food generally contains a lot of carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are converted in the body into sugars. White bread, for example, implemented in the foreseeable future in the body into sugar. Examples of carbohydrates include: pasta, rice, potatoes, pizza and bread.Carbohydrates contain energy. But the energy from carbohydrates is easily stored as body fat.The solution to the power factor is just as food as we ate thousands of years ago: a lot of healthy fats, lots of healthy vegetables and less carbohydrates.Step 2: More healthy fats and vegetablesThe human body is designed to convert healthy fats and vegetables in the energy we need to live. By increasing the number of healthy fats and vegetables in your diet you will lose weight faster - without an annoying feeling of hunger.We all know that vegetables contain important nutrients to keep ourselves alive. Unfortunately, the number of nutrients in vegetables has decreased significantly in recent decades, intensification of agriculture and horticulture. To grow a lot of vegetables per square meter yields a decrease in the nutritional value of the vegetables on. Some vegetables are no longer grown on the cold ground but on rock wool. In order to arrive at a sufficient important nutrients, it is important to about 400 grams of vegetables (preferably organic) eats per day.Try one day as many different colors to eat vegetables. The fruit color indicates what nutrients are in it. The more different colors of vegetables you eat, the more different nutrients you ingest. Especially dark green vegetables contain many good nutrients.Fats have many people still have a negative name. Fats are often associated with cardiovascular disease and obesity. It is true that certain fats that promote obesity and cardiovascular disease. I call these fats unhealthy fats. Unhealthy fats are fats produced mainly (including the so-called "trans fats"). In contrast prevent healthy fats correctly cardiovascular disease and obesity. These healthy fats are all originally come from nature (natural as well as animal fats).Examples of healthy fats are:Cold-water fish, such as herring, mackerel, sardines and wild salmonGrass Lined meatFree-range eggs (rich in omega-3)Walnuts / walnut oilExtra virgin olive oilcoconut OilFlaxseed / linseed oilSunflower seedsPumpkin seedsSesame seeds / sesame oilAvocadoTry to add as many as possible of these healthy fats to your daily diet. And also try to eat as many vegetables per day. For the greatest quantities you should listen to your body. If you experience hunger, you need to increase the number of healthy fats and vegetables. If you just feel full then you can intake some juniors.Step 3: Move MoreWe spend our time 50% to 70% sitting. This has a negative impact on our weight and our health. An increase of 30 minutes per day peaceful movement and occasional short and extremely intensive effort makes a huge difference in your fat loss and thus weight.Many move with low intensity may include walking by lake or cycling into your daily routine. For example, bicycle to work or park your car a few blocks away, so you just a fifteen minute walk to your car every morning and evening.You can also necessary movement into your daily routine installed by example always go half an hour walk after dinner, to cycle to work or quietly swim for half an hour in the morning. Try every day to move at least half an hour with a low intensity.Make sure you not too long after the other still. Try to work anything to do every half hour, for example: go get a drink, do not take the elevator but take the stairs, walk to the printer or go to the toilet. If the situation allows, you can also do some stretching exercises during your work.If you really want to lose weight quickly, it is important to do 'Short and Ultra Intensive training (KEI training). KEI training does require extra effort. KEI training is not necessary to lose weight fast, but I recommend it to.KEI training ensures an even faster burning your body fat. Not only sports during intensive, but also after it is burned fat. Below are described my two favorite KEI training.1. Perform the following exercises all once and behind each other. Keep the exercises so long as you can.Push-ups (maximum repetitions)Pull-ups (maximum repetitions)Saws: Place one knee and one hand on a bench (or your bed) so that your body is parallel to the floor. Hold a weight in your hand and pull it straight free weight slowly to your chest. Then let the weight calmed bags (maximum repetitions)Wall Sit: Place your feet about 30 centimeters from the wall and sit against the wall so that your back is against the wall and your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. If necessary, adjust the position of your feet (as long as you can)Shelves: Support on your elbows and toes and make your body as straight as a board. (As long as you can)2. Six times 30 seconds full sprint. Keep about 90 to 120 seconds rest between sprints sessions.It is important that you are really going to extremes in both exercises. Only then will you experience the benefits of the KEI training. Of course do try to prevent injuries. By giving the utmost during this training, your body is enough "incentive" to lose weight quickly.It is best to perform each exercise once a week. So in total your sport than twice a week, once sprinting and weight training once. Preferably in the open air because it is good for your body (lots of oxygen and good cooling).The KEI training is just as effective for women as for men. You do not like women to be afraid that you will get a muscular body of this brief strength training. Your body will not exceed tighter formed. It's for a woman nearly impossible to get very muscular without taking male hormones. Men on the other hand will certainly grow visible musculature.Again, KEI training is not necessary to lose weight fast, but I recommend it because it will benefit your overall health. For some people, twice the stairs and run down even though a lot of effort. In that case, I recommend to start with that.Now lose weight fastTo start losing weight today it is important that you:No sugar and no carbs eat moreEat as many healthy fats and vegetables1 time per week 6 x 30 seconds sprint1 to 2 times per week doing a short and extremely intense workoutEspecially for people who want to lose weight quickly and efficiently I developed the Smoothie Weight Loss Plan. By following this plan lets you turn your fat burning at full speed.The smoothies contain all the nutrients your body needs to burn your excess fat for good and surprisingly tasty and easy to make. Guaranteed!More information about Smoothie Weight Loss Plan can be found here. Goodluck!

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